"It's also an honor for Phan Vu Vietnam, since 2010 we have been connected and learned the quintessence of previous generations, the inventions of Nodular piles, centrifugal concrete piles, advanced foundation construction technologies of Japan Pile and since 2013 have become a member of the Asia Pile Holdings family."

Mr. Akira Kurose, Chairman of Asia Pile Holdings and Mr. Phan Khac Long
"As a member of Asia Pile, we are committed to continuing to make continuous efforts to promote creative ideas with members in Asia Pile to continue to bring the pile manufacturing and construction technology of our ancestors ahead of the better application for society, ensuring the permanence of ideas and visions that generations of founders have pointed out.
Once again, I would like to thank President Akira Kurose for connecting and leading Phan Vu for the past 13 years so that today I have the opportunity to speak at this solemn ceremony. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors and all members of Asia Pile Holding who have supported Phan Vu Vietnam to develop together over the years."