Beneath the grand and modernly designed Vietnam Military History Museum lies a robust foundation constructed and supplied by Phan Vũ. To ensure the highest quality for the project, Phan Vũ applied advanced the Pre-boring BASIC technology and utilized high-strength prestressed spun concrete piles with diameters of D500, D600, and D800 to complete the entire foundation system.

Throughout the implementation process, Phan Vũ not only met strict requirements for product and service quality but also ensured on-time completion and labor safety to the highest standards. These efforts have contributed to building a solid foundation for this national-scale project, a space dedicated to preserving and honoring the glorious history of the nation.

The Vietnam Military History Museum, invested in by the Ministry of National Defense, is located in Tây Mỗ and Đại Mỗ wards, Nam Từ Liêm District, Hanoi, spanning an area of 386,600 square meters. It houses over 150,000 valuable historical artifacts, including four national treasures and many unique items showcasing the resilience and rich history of Vietnam.
Notably, starting from November 1, 2024, the museum officially opens to the public and offers free admission until the end of December 2024. This is a fantastic opportunity for visitors to explore the cultural and historical values of the nation in a world-class and meaningful exhibition space.

Phan Vũ is proud to have contributed to creating a solid foundation for this historic project, bringing Vietnam's heritage closer to the public!